Gentner Drummond Shows Double-Digit Lead In Republican Primary for Attorney General Race

Republican candidate for Oklahoma Attorney General, Gentner Drummond, has a strong lead going into the June 28th Primary Election. Drummond is challenging incumbent John O’Connor for the GOP nomination and shows an 18-point lead at this stage of the campaign.
Sooner Poll surveyed 302 likely Republican primary voters across the state. Although neither candidate captured a majority of voters, Drummond has almost double the support of O’Connor.
[QUESTION] If the Republican Primary election for Attorney General was today and you were standing in the voting booth right now, for whom would you vote?
1. Gentner Drummond: 41.0%
2. John O’Connor: 22.9
3. Undecided: 36.1
Drummond leads O'Connor among Republicans who identify as very conservative by 15 points, and by 32 points among those who identify as somewhat conservative. O'Connor has been running negatives television ads attacking Drummond's conservative credentials, calling him a "never Trumper." The largest percentage of those undecided are the very conservative Republicans.
Drummond also leads O'Connor among moderate-leaning Republicans 11 points.
Both Drummond and O'Connor are from the Tulsa area, where Drummond leads the incumbent by 23 points. He also leads in Oklahoma City by 15 points and by 14 points in the rural parts of the state.
"Drummond's strength in all parts of the state and by key subsets in the data shows he is able to erase any power of incumbency that O'Connor might have had," said Bill Shapard, Chief Pollster at SoonerPoll.
This is Drummond’s second attempt to secure the Republican nomination for Attorney General. However, Drummond is much better positioned in this election cycle than he was in 2018 when he challenged then-Attorney General Mike Hunter. Governor Kevin Stitt appointed John O’Connor as Attorney General after Mike Hunter resigned on June 1, 2021.
About the Poll, Oklahoma’s public opinion pollster, conducted the poll of Oklahoma likely REPUBLICAN VOTERS for a primary election. The poll was commissioned by News9 in Oklahoma City and Newson6 in Tulsa.
The scientific study was conducted April 25-May 11, 2022 with 306 likely Republican voters selected at random statewide from a tri-frame of cell phones and landline telephones, and SoonerPoll's proprietary Oklahoma Voter Panel. Cell phone and landline participants were collected by live interviewer and panelist participants were collected through texts and emails. The sample was weighted by age and congressional district in order to reflect the Oklahoma likely Republican voter population. The weighting was conducted using a 'layered technique.' The study has a Margin of Error (MoE) of ±5.6 percent.
A complete description of the methodology can be found here.